SuZhou IVES Solutions Technology Co. , Ltd.

Enterprise Dynamic

──May 05 , 2023RFID clothing number reading is not accurate? - Packaging is very important -RFID tag - Suzhou Wisdom View

  In the last video, we introduced the use of inventory in the clothing industryRFIDHandheld andRFIDElectronic tags to improve the efficiency of inventory, and the management cost of warehousing. We have received a lot of inquiries and concerns from customers, and some customers have also responded to the problem of inaccurate quantity of clothing.

  Now Suzhou Wisdom View for you to answer,The customer has already used itRFIDHand scannerand RFIDtag, and combinedRFIDAsset management systemWhy is there still an inaccurate reading of the quantity of clothing and the problem of being claimed by customers ? Check out the video below:

    Hardware link in the video: RFIDHand scanner  ,RFIDtag ,RFIDAsset management system


Hand on the line - label printer template Settings - Mobile printer label template - Suzhou Wisdom View


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