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──Apr 24 , 2023How to store handheld PDA? - Warehouse wireless inventory -PDA handheld terminal - Suzhou Wisdom View

  Just a few steps, sweep into the warehouse, Fast, simple and convenient.

  PDALinks:PDAHandheld terminal

  Software link:RFIDWarehouse management system

UsePDAHandheld terminalHow to manage the warehouse:

1Storage management   Warehouseman usePDAScanning the commodity bar code, you can register the type, quantity, location and other information of the incoming product, and then upload it directly to the background database system. Warehousing in order, a large number of goods can still be orderly warehousing. 

2Delivery management   According to the outbound order, usePDAHandheld terminal scans the barcode of goods, input the quantity of goods out of the warehouse, upload the detailed information of goods out of the warehouse in real time, and ensure that the inventory status is updated immediately. Full servicePDAHandheld terminal, effectively avoid taking more, less, wrong to take the situation.

 3Procurement acceptance   Acceptance of personnelPDAHold the terminal to scan, purchase, and receive goods in the acceptance area, and keep the output as the receipt to confirm the acceptance operation.

 4Merchandise and space adjustment  Tally clerk passedPDAThe handheld terminal can query, track and adjust the cargo position in real time to eliminate the confusion of the cargo position.

 5Inventory management passPDAHandheld terminal scanning commodity bar code, real-time inventory data uploaded to the system, efficient and convenient, the number of categories at a glance, improve the efficiency of inventory.

 In factPDAThe handheld terminal is just a tool, built inRFIDWarehouse management systemorRFIDInventory softwareWait for it to make a real difference.


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